Officeworks | TV commercial
Shot in conjunction with Ian Kenny (Film HQ) and Digby Hogan (Empire Post), this TVC was filmed in one day over three locations around Brisbane.
#tvc #drone #televisioncommercial l #multicam #onlineadvertising

Vygo University Tutoring (corporate video)
Corporate video production promoting the Vygo tutoring platform for universities, a student peer-to-peer learning system tailored to a student's needs. Vygo is particularly beneficial to a university's international student cohort but excellent results from Vygo have been achieved by all students who use it. #corporatevideo #vygo #promotionalvideo #corporatevideoproduction

3D real estate modeling | Animation and Drone
Created all in house, this short 3d animation and drone video is perfect for marketing off the plan developments and high end business developments.
#3Danimation #realestatemarketing #corporatevideos

Millennium Mine's 2018 President's Award
Corporate video production celebrating Peabody's Millennium Mine's award: the 2018 President's Award for best safety incidence rate.
#corporatevideo #dronevideo #corporatevideoproduction #interview #voiceover

From Around Here | short documentary
A short video we shot and edited, in conjunction with director Ian Kenny from Film HQ, that highlights the range of quality produce and wine around south east Queensland. We traveled with Richard and Ben from Stokehouse Q in South Bank, Brisbane, to 11 different wine and food producers around the Granite Belt, Darling Downs and Sunshine Coast. We captured stunning aerial shots of the different landscapes we past though on our way. We heard heart-felt, honest stories from hardworking fishermen, farmers and wine makers. It’s these producers of such fine food and drink who have made this beautiful, short film really work!
#corporate video #Interview #droneproduction #promotional #documentary #doco #gimbal

Brisbane Fashion Runway 2017 | events video
Our production company had the pleasure, and lots of fun, shooting the Brisbane Fashion Runway video in November 2017. This terrific arts event showcases up and coming designers and fashion companies.
#promotionalvideo #droneproduction #timelaspse #multicam #transitions #gimbal #steadycam #custommusic

DoseMe | product description and explainer animated video
Software explainer video created with both Cinema 4D and After Effects.
#explainervideo #2danimation #3danimation #educational #customlogo #voiceover #animationvideo

Anyone Anywhere Anytime Fitness | TV commercial
Brisbane Gym, Anytime Fitness, online advertising clip promoting business.
#onlineadvertising #tvcommercial #aftereffects #rotoscoping #textunderlay #actors #talent

Brisbane River Fire | 3D fighter jet animation
The intro was made in After Effects without plugins.
To make the combat aircraft, we used the Element 3D, we added some effects like a smoke tracks, light, reflection and heating on the turbine. To get this we use, Heat Distortion and Trapcode Particular.
We added these elements to drone footage that we shot in and around Brisbane.
To finish we work in Adobe Audition to make sound effects and the final cutting and colour correction in Adobe Premiere.
We offer this kind of VFX technique and composition for your social media, website, promotional, advertising or campaigns, to make your ideas come to fruition and help grow your business.
#animation #VFX #dronevideo #onlineadvertising #digital

Golden Grove Vineyard | promotional video
Ray from Golden Grove and Ben from Stokehouse Q talk about why the Granite Belt in South Western Queensland is the perfect location for growing Tempranillo wine.
#corporatevideo #drone #interview #promotional #multicam #gimbal

State of Origin | 2D animation advertisement
Simple 2D animation designed for social media and other marketing platforms.
#animation #VFX #onlineadvertising #digitaladvertising #tvcommercial #animationvideo

Cupcakes by K — digital advertisement
A combination of video and 2D animation creates visual and emotional appeal. Perfect for advertising and marketing your products online.
#onlineadvertising #2danimation #VFX #video #customlogo #animationvideo

NRL Rugby Ball: This is how we league — 3D animation
VFX promotion for the NRL.
#VFXpromotion #onlineadvertising #tvcommercial #digitaladvertisement #3danimation #customlogo #aftereffects #cinema4d #3danimationcommercial

Range Rover — TV Commercial
A TVC style video created for Brisbane Fashion Runway and their major sponsor Range Rover.
#onlineadvertising #digitaladvertising #custommusic #gimbal #talent #actors
See more about our advertising and corporate video productions.

Chemist — TV Comercial
A short, catchy 2D animated commercial designed to highlight a product promotion or sale.
#televisionadvertisement #2danimation #tvc #aftereffects #voiceover #digitaladvertisement #animationvideo